Monday, November 4, 2013

Reddish but not red hair

A woman wrote a little rant about the lacks of seasonal color theory. She has a point, of course. The seasonal color analysis is created by white people for white people, and any effort to fit the rest of the world to this theory are just feeble efforts to be PC.

The truth is that white people are a minority, that behaves as if it was the majority. White people have the colonial mindset of elitism, arrogance and ignorance, best shown in the ways of Greece, Rome, Germanic people and USA. And in Christianity, which is practically the only European religion worth mentioning. Of course for me, a Pagan, the European paganity, Asatru and Celtic spirituality, are worth mentioning, but in comparison we are a "rat spit in the ocean" [a Swedish idiom my husband uses quite a lot :-D]. A piquant European oddity :-D

In truth the vast majority of world population has very dark hair, a color that can be called black. Most Asians, Africans and people whose ethnicity originates from the geographic area around Mediterranean Sea have "black" hair. But - what is black? There are several different shades of black, just as there are several shades of white and grey. Here's a little achromatic scale. In the middle is pure grey. Right to it I have added some yellow to it, on left is blue. First I added 5% yellow or blue, then 10%. When you see them side by side, you can see the changes, but if you look at them alone, you wouldn't see the difference. (Unless you have as keen eye for color as my husband. That's about 1-2% of humankind.)
On top is the different blacks. 

So - how does this apply to the hair?

This is Megan Fox. 
She is Caucasian.
She has a drop of Native American blood, 
but most of her coloring comes from her European ancestors. 
She is what is called "a black Celt". Black hair, blue eyes, fair skin. 
Now, her hair is black. It's not dark brown, it is black, as black as any black hair. 
But can you see the difference of tone in the following two pictures? 
In the right picture, the highlights of her hair are warm, brownish grey. 
In the left picture, the highlights are cool, almost blue.

Here's the same difference with Yukie Nakama.
Now, I don't think she has black hair, but that's just me.
Her hair is very dark, and could be called black.

And this beautiful lady is Wunmi Mosaku, a British actress.
See the difference? 
She would still be able to wear brown
if the picture in left was the correct coloring and she was Winter,
because brown is her skin color, and we all can wear the color of our skin. 

Now to something different.
The Selfish Seamstress, Elaine, posted this hair color lightness chart from "color me beautiful", and I of course wanted to see where my hair lands on this chart.

So - here's my hair on the chart. Quite precisely medium.

Now, I've been having fun here. I have the hair color that's really difficult to name. So I have taken some hair color charts and matched my hair to those, and here's the results:

So - what is this? Butterscotch, toffee, caramel, honey? "this silky shade that's richly decadent with deep golden undertones"?  Sounds really nice. Better than "mouse", "dishwater", "road dust" and "dirt", anyway...
Then there's that some say my hair is "chestnut", "pecan" or "acorn" and my eyes are hazel... I'm a nutty girl :-D Butterscotch pecan perfection :-D (And, yes, I'm totally nuts :-D)
Then there's "buttered toast" and "cool tea" :-D Add a bit of ginger marmalade, and the breakfast is all set :-D

Here's some other women with caramel brown hair.

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