Thursday, June 6, 2013

70 months before I'm 50

I have a lot of lists. I have a lot of dreams, and some of them are BIG. I mean *B*I*G*. So big I'm not even going to talk about them. You'll be hearing about those in the news.

But there is a lot I need to do before I get to a place where I can do anything about these dreams. There's a lot of things to do I can do now.
So I decided to do three things today:
1) write a list of all the things you plan to do
2) write a plan, any kind of plan, with at least 10 things I can do, now, with what I have, right now.
3) start doing those things, one every day, chewing the list down, from the beginning to the end, and when I'm in the end, I'll start from beginning again.

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