Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Random thoughts

 I have been playing with my colors and styles, again :-D

I decided to scrap the Kibbe styles all together, and go by what my heart says :-D Which is a blend of... a lot of things. 

What I want to address here is the contrast. I made this "value" thing.

Apparently my skin is very pale, my eyes are very dark, and my hair is darker than I thought it is. It used to be very blonde when I was a kid. :-D The contrast was even bigger then, with those dark, dark eyes :-D (They are actually hazel. Hard to see.)

Anyway, the contrast between my eyes and skin is pretty big. But the color contrast is not. The colors of my skin, hair, and eyes are pretty much all the same. :-D (Though hazel counts as green eyes, and they are grey and golden brown - amber, my husband says.) 

I have been going through Imogen Lamport's blog and reading about the contrast. A lot of good information. And it has made me realize that it's not that I can't do patterns, it's that I can't do many colored patterns. Because I don't have many colors in me :-D (Except the eyes, of course.) That means I can do a lot of patterns, but only monochromatic ones :-D There can be a lot of contrast, but only in value. (And then I need to have strong chroma, can't do muted.). (Also, I need dark background color.)

I would look great in the red dress, but not in the one with red flowers and green leaves.
(Well, I'm 54, so maybe not that short :-D)

I have also made some progress about my body shape and how to dress it, and my style preferences :-D

I saw this video, which talks about expanding your body type beyond pears and apples. But the problem there is that they don't care one bit about the shape of hips
I, for example, have high hips that are V shaped. I am widest at hip bone, and then I taper down. I'm literally shaped like a carrot :-D 
Also, I have a short neck, short and wide chest area, and short waist. And big boobs. That are widely set. :-( And rather narrow shoulders. (Carrot, again :-D)
So I think I'll stay with apple :-D

I should need to elongate my neck, widen my shoulders, while narrowing my chest, elongating my waist while shortening my hips, taking in at stomach while adding to my bottom, narrow down my hips on top, but widen them at the bottom. And even though my legs are long, they are also muscular and thick... 
I think I'll just ignore the proportions and wear what ever I feel like wearing. Be it tons of scarfs, necklaces, bracelets, rings and belts. (Oh, rings and bracelets? I have rather large hands and stout arms, which makes me look like a gladiator with sausages as fingers when I wear bracelets and rings. Not that pretty, huh :-D)

I know, it's rather contradictory to be saying that I'll ignore all this, while talking about things that I'm going to ignore... :-D

Anyway, I was looking into Suzanne Caygill's color theory, and realized it's based on one self and what colors work. That every person has their own color palette, and there really aren't any seasons or so. And it is basically "wear the colors on you and what ever you like, it will be great." 
You know, most people, who decorate their homes as they like to, use instinctively the colors that work best as clothing as well :-D So, I'll just look at my home decoration ideas and inspiration, and make it into outfits :-D 
(It's funny because that has been my philosophy the whole time - "your shade of purple is the shade of purple you like the best". "Wear the style that best pleases you". "Copy the celebrities who dress like you'd dress".

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